IPA Madness is coming to South Park – STONE
Written by hpl on March 2nd, 2015
Stone IPA Madness will be coming to South Park! Stone Brewing Company has been crazy about IPA since 1997. We are celebrating our love for the almighty hop during the month of March. We will tap flights of our many and varied IPA’s, and we will be rolling out some never-before-seen 6 packs! We’re obsessed with hops and all the bitter, fruity, resinous, tropical flavors they can bring to beer. These little buds are amazing in and of themselves, but the work that goes into making those characteristics shine is just as impressive. From the kettle and far beyond, we’re breaking down the magic of getting the most out of our hops and pushing those IBUs ever higher. Check this awesome tap list!

Address: 2215 30th Street, San Diego CA 92104
Phone: 619-501-3342
Web: http://www.stonebrewing.com Store Hours
Mon – Thu: 2 – 9pm
Fri – Sat: 11am – 10pm
Sun: 11am – 8pm