April… the Make or Break Month – SOUTH PARK FITNESS
Written by hpl on April 9th, 2014

April can be the make or break month for people who have just started exercising for the New Year. Most begin their fitness training in February or March with excitement and enthusiasm, but these first few months can be difficult and frustrating. Muscles are weak and endurance is low. For most, noticeable physical results don’t start to show until about 6 weeks. If you don’t make a commitment during this time period you will begin to fall behind with your goals and your results will stop. Consistency gets you results. If you can exercise three or more times each week you will see results quickly. If you train two times per week you will still see results, just a bit slower. Once a week exercise is absolutely beneficial, but it’s more of a maintenance program than a results oriented program. Exercise consistently, even if it’s only once each week, and you’ll see results. And once you start to see results you’ll get hooked. Your days will feel incomplete without your workout. Your muscles will be stronger and you’ll be able to push yourself harder because your endurance has improved. Your eating will change as well. When you’re working so hard for results you will be more likely to make better food choices. Once you add better food choices with exercise you’ll be on the fast track to results.

To help keep you motivated during the make or break month of April, South Park Fitness has added a loyalty/rewards program. Each time you visit the gym you will receive 5 points. These points can be redeemed for guest passes, personal training sessions, or VIP training with the owner. The rewards program will continue after April so make sure you check in each time you visit the gym and you’ll get another 5 points!
Address: 2211 30th Street, San Diego CA 92104Phone: 619-316-2333
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://southparkfitness.com Gym Hours
Mon – Thu: 6am – 8pm
Fri: 6am – 6pm
Sat: 7am – 5pm
Sun: 8am – 3pm